Organizing an Effective Workflow

A well-organized workflow is vital to the success of your business. It lets your team have a clear understanding of how their work is contributing to the overall goal and what work needs to be done next. This is important for time-based initiatives that have an end-point, such as marketing campaigns or new employee onboarding programs, but also for recurring processes and evergreen work like content calendars or IT requests.

When your workflows are organized and structured, you can develop structures that aid in project planning and management as well as improve collaboration between teams and departments. This may include our website creating a dedicated workspace, making the necessary digital tools available and facilitating efficient ways of communicating between employees.

While you may be tempted to adopt an overly complicated approach to your workflow, this can result in confusion among your team members and create unnecessary bottlenecks. To simplify things, make sure that everyone understands the goals and values of the business and how their work contributes to the bigger picture. This will allow your team to work efficiently and with laser-like focus.

Once you’ve identified your current processes it’s a good idea review them. Follow each process from start to finish and identify any inefficiencies or roadblocks. For instance the task is continually delayed during a parallel workflow, because one team member is waiting for information from the other, it might be worthwhile switching to a sequential approach to allow the project to progress more smoothly.


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